
Finding Fractions of Amounts!

This week, we have started to find fractions of amounts! We worked out the success criteria to do this as:

Divide your number by the denominator then multiply the answer by the numerator.

Here is an example of how to find a fraction of an amount!

Here is an image that shows you how to add on fractions to amounts:

Multiplying Decimals! 

Finding the Mean, Median, Mode and Range of a set of data..

We have already started to collect data to place onto a bar graph. We are now going to find averages of data. Have a look below to read up about the different averages...

In maths, we've just started looking at equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions that show the exact same quantity! For example, having 1/2 of a pizza, is exactly the same as having 3/6 of one! Have a look at the equivalent fractions wall and see if you can spot any!

Below are some images that illustrate some other equivalent fractions. Can you think of any others? Remember, what ever happens to the denominator, must happen to the numerator!

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