Home Learning

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Home Learning 22.04.15

Non-Chonological Reports...

This is the report we looked at in class. Use this as a template for your own report! Fill your report with interesting information about your chosen topic! Make it look at appealing as possible so it stands out and makes people want to read it! 

Home Learning 11.3.15

Digestive System:

Weblink: Digestive system explained

Adding and Subtracting Fractions:

Home Learning 2.2.15

Click here to watch a clip all about writing setting descriptions!

Click here to use a site all about finding perimeter and area - you can even try and answer some questions!

Home Learning 28.01.15

Help with shape...

Home Learning 21.01.15

Using perspective:

As we did in class, mark on your vanishing point (yours is in the middle to the left on your image - where you can see the train vanishing) then draw your lines to the outside of your page. Use these lines to draw your train!
Give it a go and see what you can do! Feel free to colour, paint etc your picture to jazz it up!

This image may help you to draw your train!

Home Learning 14.01.15

Writing Complex Sentences:


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages:

Decimals to Fractions:

0.2 - when placed in the place value chart, the 2 goes into the tenths columns - therefore making in 2/10! 

0.02 - the 2 here is in the hundredths column, making it 2/100.

Fractions to Decimals:

3/10 - you place the 3 into the tenths column of your place value chart - making it 0.3. 9/100 - the 9 goes into the hundredths column, don't forget the 0's to hold the place - it becomes 0.09. 

If your fraction is not out of 10 or 100 then it needs to be converted first!
E.g. 3/5 = 6/10 = 0.6.

Fractions/Decimals to Percentages:

The fractions needs to be in hundredths before you can convert. e.g. 12/50 = 24/100. The numerator is then your percentage = 24%

With decimals, they need to be x 100 to make your percentage. E.g. 0.4 x 100 = 40%

If you are struggling with any of this at home then let me know and we can go through it together at school!

Writing a balanced argument..

Click here to watch a clip that will help you to write your balanced argument.

Remember: a balanced argument needs to have a balanced number of opinions for both FOR and AGAINST the topic. 

Maths - Finding percentages of amounts!

To find 10% of any number - you divide by 10
To find 20% of a number - you need lots of 10% - so you find 10% and multiply by 2!
To find 50% - this is same as finding 1/2
To find 25% - this is the same as finding 1/4 - so you divide by 4!
To find 40% - this is same as finding 20% - you find 10% and multiply by 4!

English - Newspaper Writing

Your success criteria:
Catchy title
Summary of what the article is about
Introduction - what, when, where, who and why!
Detailed description of events
Direct speech - using speech marks
Indirect speech - no speech marks - change to third person!
Closing paragraph - can be in present tense - what is happening now about the situation 

Rounding Numbers!

Grid Method:

Remember - when setting out your grid method you need to be very clear and organised! Check your multiplying before you add! Then double check you have added all the numbers!

Word Classes:

Converting Measures!

Some facts for you to remember for your home learning!

1cm = 1mm (To convert from mm to cm you divide by 10. To convert from cm to mm you x by 10)
100cm = 1m (To convert from cm to m you divide by 100. To convert from m to cm you x by 100)

When working with imperial to metric:

1inch = 2.5cm (If converting from inches to cm then x by 2.5)
1cm = 0.3inches (If converting from cm to inches then x 0.3)

Writing Biographies!

When writing biographies we need to be as descriptive as possible! Remember biographies are written in chronological order! We always write in past tense, as we are writing about what they HAVE done!

Begin with when and where they were born. 
You may want to include a little about their childhood (where the went to school, family etc). 
Then think about how they became famous.
What have they achieved in their career?
You may want to finish with what they are doing now and their plans for the future (if they are still alive!) this will then of course be written in future and present tense!

Describing your setting... Hansel and Gretel 

What can you see?
Think about the colours
Personify the trees - reaching up to the dark sky!
What is the glowing light shining on?
Don't forget to add your adjectives!
What would you hear in that forest?
How would the children be walking?
What could they smell? - Remember it's made of sweets!

Fairy Tales...

In English, we have begun to look at Fairy Tales. To start us off, your home learning is to read and summarise a Fairy Tale that catches your interest. Not all Fairy Tales are to do with a princess and a witch! So make sure you look through plenty to find one that really catches your eye! 

Click here  or here to read some well known Fairy Tales!

Websites to help with your home learning this week...

BBC Nature

Antarctica Animals

Arctic Animals

Arctic Wildlife

Don't forget to think about what we did during science on Tuesday - is it in an invertebrate or vertebrate? What type of vertebrate is it? Click here and here to remind yourselves what these are!

Compound sentences:

I tried to speak Spanish and my friend tried to speak English.

Both sides of the connective make sense on their own!

Complex sentences:

The sun shone in the sky, making the clouds light up. 
One clause makes sense on its own, but the other depends on the other one to make sense!

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