Tuesday 24 March 2015

Evolution of Man

We are going to focus even more on evolution in science, starting with the evolution of humans - thinking in particular about how our skeletons have changed.

Click on the links below to find out more!

How have we evolved?

When and How?

Monday 16 March 2015

In year 6 we are about to start a new topic looking at the human body! We are going to investigate the different systems within our bodies and look at certain organs and find out why they are so important.

See how many different organs of the body you can think of and what they do!

Thursday 5 March 2015

I'm Going on a Family Hunt

Today was WORLD BOOK DAY! In year 6 we decided to focus on the very famous story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen.

We thought about it from the Bear's point of view. We asked questions:
Why was he in the cave alone?
Why did he decide to follow the family?
What did he do at the end?

We decided that the Bear only wanted a family of his own and everyone misunderstood him! The stories the children wrote were excellent and very emotional! We then went to Year 1 and shared the stories we wrote and some of their favourites too!