Wednesday 25 February 2015


We were lucky enough this week to have a visit from someone who works in London with parliament! She taught us a great deal all about what happens, House of Lords, House of Commons and how to become an MP! We then had workshops where we worked just like the House of Commons and debated as to whether the bill of 'Should homework be banned before Year 9?' should go through and become a law. I don't think I have to state which side of debate the majority of the year 5 and 6 chose! 

Sunday 15 February 2015

I have found some very useful websites for you to try over half term to help with your revision - especially as some of you have already completed the revision books!

Maths questions

English support

SPAG Bootcamp

Maths Bootcamp

Mental Maths Bootcamp

Have a lovely and restful Half Term

Enterprise Market!

We had a great time on Friday helping out with the Enterprise Market! We have yet to find out who won but we sold all of our products! A job well done Year 6!

Our Finished Products!

Our Adverts!

On Friday, we watched different adverts for some inspiration for our own videos! The children planned and wrote scripts for their adverts. They didn't have much time to practise and only had one shot to film it!

Here, Ronny is Cinerella who is told that if she eats the chocolate (by the mice) then she will transform into a princess. Then she dances with her prince at the end! A very imaginative advert which was hard to create in our hall!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Enterprise Week!

It's only the end of day 2 of Enterprise Week and Year 6 have already completed so much! We have looked into fairtrade and linked it to autobiographical writing from a farmers point of view. We then used the internet to research ingredients and packaging ideas for our chocolate!

We decided to use marshmallow and a milk and white chocolate swirl! The children decided on 4 different themes for our chocolates using the moulds we had to use. We will be selling:

Disney's Frozen chocolate
Farmyard chocolate
Sport chocolates
Cinderella chocolates

We have already made most of our boxes using nets we drew on squared paper, and we have designed and drawn our packaging for the different themes!

One of our Farmyard Chocolates Packages
 (They are much tastier and more appealing than they sound!)

More photos to follow!