Sunday 16 November 2014


Around the World in 80 Days 

We only have one more week until production week is upon us! We have been so busy as a key stage learning all the songs and spending some time practising! They are all working so hard! We have already spent some time designing tickets and also back drops.

Next week we are going to continue this hard work and also start making the props! We are also going to look in some detail at our first song ' The Year is 1872'  and use it find out information from that time period.

Queen Victoria

The Telephone

The Light Bulb

Yellowstone Park

Saturday 8 November 2014

Where in the World?

We have already found out a lot about the history of chocolate! We are now going to use our geography skills to find out where in the world it is grown and consumed! Look at this map to see if you can spot the countries that it is mostly grown and consumed? Are you surprised by any?

The darker the green colour the more chocolate is produced and the darker the orange colour is the more chocolate that is consumed!


Next week we are going to look at using the grid method for multiplication! This is a method you have already used before and is a very organised and clear way to work out large sums!

Have a look at these images to remind yourself how to do it...

This image shows you how to multiply larger numbers! We will also be including decimals in our sums!