Saturday 27 September 2014

A Little Update...

The first 4 weeks of the year so far have been brilliant. The children have been working incredibly hard and their work reflects this. 

On Thursday we have Poetry Day! We are going to focus on one image for the day to inspire us. As we have been using imagery and other descriptive techniques recently, we can use these skills to help create some excellent poems! We will link this to our art and geography skills!

For Thursday, find a poem that you enjoy to bring in and share! If you can, try and learn it off by heart so you can recite it to the class! 

Click here to read some poems!

Saturday 6 September 2014

Problem Solving!

Year 6 were set the challenge to make a bridge using only paper and masking tape! They have half an hour to design and make their bridge - trying to make it as strong as possible! We then tested their bridges using weights to see who had the most successful design! They all did a fantastic job and worked well as a team to solve the problem! It's safe to say their bridges were incredibly strong and could not be defeated! Well done year 6 - an excellent start to the year!